The Dumb Cool Weird Podcast

Exploring Revenge in Hercules The Legendary Journeys: The Wrong Path - Wayback Wednesdays

July 31, 2024 Wes Walker and Nick Zervas Season 1 Episode 10

What if your favorite 90s hero had a darker, grittier side? Join Wes and Nick as we unravel the untold emotional depth of Hercules in "The Wrong Path," the gripping pilot episode of "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys." Witness Hercules, played by Kevin Sorbo, face unimaginable tragedy and embark on a vengeful frenzy against the gods, all while battling cheesy 90s special effects and a menacing she-demon. We explore the drastic transformation in Hercules' character from a beloved hero to a grief-stricken avenger, and how his loyal friend Iolus strives to bring him back to his true self. Plus, we’re sharing some laughter over the nostalgic quirks only 90s TV shows can offer.

But that's not all—we've got some thrilling updates on our podcast schedule! Get ready for months of Hercules-centric episodes every Way Back Wednesday. We’re diving deep into Kevin Sorbo's iconic series, from memorable moments to the most obscure trivia. And don’t miss out on our surprise for the next Movie Monday, where we promise more quirky, fun content that takes you back to simpler times. 

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Speaker 1:

dumb cool weird podcast way back wednesdays and we are starting a series on way back wednesdays where we're going to be reviewing um hercules, legendary journeys the tv show. Because we like the movie so much, we kind of want to watch season one and if we like season one we may do keep watching it, yeah, so here's, uh, season one. So we watched the pilot episodes 40 minutes long and it is a good setup to the show, yeah, and basically it starts off kind of Hercules saving the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, saving the day. Not too long after that it's called the name of this episode is the Wrong Path. Yes, and so basically we kind of knew this was coming. We've joked about it here and there, about his family yeah and uh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, hercules saves the night after beating up a group of thugs, and then his family gets fireballed yep, and that's exactly how they said it.

Speaker 1:

No, we're not. We don't mean fireball, the liquor shots. We mean fireball like fire hits him in the face and kills him.

Speaker 2:

Like, yeah, he just shows up at home. He's like Dianar boom gone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we already knew something was going to happen, because as soon as he showed up, the thunderstorm clouds rolled in. We knew that Hera was coming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know who didn't show up, though this time around, Zeus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as usual, didn't see his old Greek ass running around.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, kind of disappointing.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, he loses his family and he's all distraught and sad sitting outside and then, out of nowhere, eolus shows up and goes Hercules, where you been? We need to get going. What are you doing? And he's like Eolus, my family's dead. And then somehow he wants to go murder, just straight up. Murk the gods, the gods. Yeah, he wants to destroy the temple.

Speaker 2:

And then, yeah, he just keeps going on his way destroying these shrines throughout the town, which is really funny.

Speaker 1:

Yep and Eolos and him go their separate ways because Iolos honors his wish. But he goes and he starts to set up the to destroy his house. He's going to burn it down. He's setting up some kindling all over there. He's breaking everything in the house. This guy with a staff shows up and he goes oh, I was looking for somebody, but I guess he's not here. And he's like who are you looking for, hercules? I am hercules.

Speaker 2:

And then the guy's an asshole and he's like he's like well, this is not the hercules I know. And he's like he's like I don't owe you anything and goes to the bar and starts talking shit about hercules while eolus is drinking there yep eolus tells him to shut his fucking mouth and then the guy accepts the quest.

Speaker 1:

And then guy feels bad and he's like, all right, well, I don't know who to tell who to come help me. And then he's like, who, I can help you, what do you need? And he's like he's like, well, I need somebody to come help me out with a demon.

Speaker 2:

A demon that's, uh, turning our young, our youth into stone. Yeah, it's, it's what you would call a she demon. Yes, a uh, a temptress of sorts.

Speaker 1:

Yes, a wench, a wench. And then Iolos decides to take on the quest and so he follows that guy to that town and Burgulius is on his own little quest, like Nick said, destroying shrines in his way, and then he goes to an actual temple and he just starts fucking up the temple, because there was a woman.

Speaker 2:

They were like oh no, visitors, today we're punishing a thief.

Speaker 1:

Yep. So they're sitting here punishing this girl who's a thief and she's over there like oh, I would like some help. And he's over here beating the shit out of everybody and he's just not really holding back on this one.

Speaker 1:

He threw a guy into a pillar yeah, pretty sure he's dead. Yeah, pretty sure that guy's dead. And so he just starts like fucking the temple up and he pushes the you know harris statue straight into the fucking um abyss whatever the fuck it was the green pool or whatever. And then, lo and behold, he saves her. And then he proceeds to beat the shit out of the guards with her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all those guards died.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're all dead. As he was beating the shit out of them with his feet, his head and her, he manages to get out after the fucking temple collapses and then she gets the hots for him because she's a slave, because we've established in the movies that-.

Speaker 2:

The slaves don't know how to not be slaves post-slavery Yep. So he fre established in the movies that the slaves don't know how to not be slaves, post-slavery yep.

Speaker 1:

So he frees her and then she gets the hots for him, and then she decides to go on a journey and she just happens to be going to the same place that eolus and that other guy going to which is also the same place she escaped slavery from yeah, ironically enough, she just can't stay away from slavery.

Speaker 1:

And so eolus and um and the um and and that guy I don't even know that guy's name they're like walking on the path and then Aeolus goes oh look, young love. And then the guy's like no, that's not love, that's the she demon. And when I tell you, the she demon has some of the funniest, cheesiest effects I've ever seen in the 90s. It's pretty fucking great. Basically, the she demon has some of the funniest, cheesiest effects I've ever seen in the 90s. It's pretty fucking great. Basically, the she demon is like a murder mermaid Half of her is a snake and the sexy half is still a human.

Speaker 1:

So she's like basically Medusa but not really, but not really. No, instead of looking at you, she just touches you with her tail yeah, the rattle.

Speaker 2:

Part of her tail makes you stone yeah, the rattle part of her tail makes you stone.

Speaker 1:

But basically she ends up turning this guy to stone. And then Yolas is like where is he at, where do we go? And basically he takes him to where all the other statues are and basically let me get it real quick. And basically they go like he's there, and he's like, oh, look at this, it's the obvious she-demon cave, it's shaped like a goddamn skull. A skull. It's like a serpent skull, or something yeah with like fangs hanging off of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so Yolas? You know, we already know Yolas is going to get fucked up, because you know he just can't catch a break. I think he likes it though, yeah, so he shows up in the cave to fucking beat this bitch, and you know, and he doesn't really do anything, she literally just grabs him and turns him to stone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then you know Hercules finally gets there, yep. Which I thought was funny. On the way down there, this old man's like I'm sorry for your loss, hercules, and he's like oh wow, news travels fast about my wife and kids. He's like your wife and children, oh no, I was talking about Aeolus.

Speaker 1:

And then he looks over at the woman and goes aren't you a slave? Yeah, and she's just like, yes.

Speaker 2:

And then they run into that guy with the staff a few minutes later and she's talking back to him. He's like you're a slave, You're not supposed to be talking to me, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And she's like you, dumb asshole. Don't you realize that Hercules' family is dead? And then he's like Hercules I'm sorry about Aeolus, he was brave. And then Hercules is going tocules. I'm sorry about Aeolus, he was brave. And then Hercules is going to walk in the cave and you just see Aeolus like this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they left the statue out. She left the statue out front.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's fucking weird. It's like she does it and then I kind of want to see what's going on behind the scenes where she's like. Yeah, just like pushing the statue out, yeah, and the weirdest thing happens. She sort of like starts coming on to Hercules telling him he's a fucking sexy beast and like all this, and then she tries to get him with the tail, and then he.

Speaker 2:

He ties her tail around in a knot around a tree.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, it was a stalagmite, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right, yeah, so basically, what ends up happening is they get into a fight. She goes these you know what I call like tunnels that are probably crawling with spiders and basically fights her and gets her tail all tied up, and then he tries to go get her and then she untangles herself and and then we see some of the dumbest, like special effects for that time period and like the cgi, which is ridiculously, yeah, and then she tries to go kill him with her tail and then he moves out of the way and she ends up getting herself yeah, it was really lame actually yeah, and then they save the day and that's basically the whole fucking episode.

Speaker 1:

And then hercules and the olus kind of have a moment and he goes, he goes, uh, he goes, hercules, what are you gonna do now? He's like well, my family's not around anymore, so now I'm going to go where tomorrow takes me. And then he just walks off, and then it starts playing the theme music. Yeah, and it's just gone. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, and that's it. I mean that's literally it.

Speaker 1:

I love how he's been telling Ae go home. It's like yolas doesn't have anything on his schedule. Man, yeah, I mean, he literally doesn't have a wife anymore. Yeah, it's like both you guys literally lost your fucking families and shit y'all need to stick together.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, you're all you have in this world, and now you're telling y'all let's go home yeah it's like so yeah, so that was um, that was the pilot episode for hercules the wrong path, and I'm assuming it is showing that hercules was about to go into his villain arc, but then he pulled back on that. Yeah, so, and hair is a bitch yeah, hair is a bitch. So, um, you know, we talk about the dumb. Cool and weird. What would you say was dumb about this episode?

Speaker 2:

Huh, you know, I think, what was dumb is that.

Speaker 1:

Zeus wasn't there. Yeah, Zeus wasn't there.

Speaker 2:

He just couldn't explain it to him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because, remember, you know, we kind of glossed over this, actually we didn't even talk about it. He goes to see his mom and his mom's like yeah, zeus came and told me about what happened to your family and we're like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

This is dumb, zeus. Why didn't you like talk to your son whose family is dead? You know you're grandchildren, which he never met, by the way. No, he did in one of the movies, Remember. He does show up in like what was it the fourth movie? Because he finally takes up the offer to go and meet up his grandchildren. That's right, that's right. And then he just never shows up again to see his like family in the fifth movie.

Speaker 2:

He like shows up to Hercules and then he's like yeah, don't worry, don't let the family know I'm here.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's a bit of spoilers, but you actually don't see Zeus again for a very long time in the show. I think the next time you see him is like seasons and seasons later, I believe. What was he doing? Taking a hiatus. I don't know, man, but that's the way it happens. You actually don't see Hera's form until like the later seasons. Too Makes sense, but too makes sense, but yeah, so that was what was dumb about it. Uh, what was cool about this, in my opinion, is, even though it's very cheesy, I still think the special effects were pretty cool yeah, special in a very cheesy kind of way the she demon it must have.

Speaker 1:

That must have been really hard to do back then, because cgi was still relatively new for television back then because this is how they did net.

Speaker 2:

That's basically what they did for nessus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a similar kind of like visual effects. Um, very pain in the ass, like, yeah, pretty much. Um, I also like the transitions when they she would turn them into stone. That was pretty oh yeah, that was pretty well done. Um, yeah, and the weird I mean obviously the weird is uh, slave, the slave, yeah, she, just she can't figure out whether or not she wants to be a slave or not.

Speaker 2:

Slaves in this show are weird. I escaped slavery, but I'm going to go back to the same place where I'm still a slave.

Speaker 1:

Yep, pretty much Like what the fuck, but this is going to be a continual series. We're going to keep watching these episodes. You know me, um, you know me and nick will sit down and watch more and more episodes of this. Um, as far as the dumb, cool word podcast, um, what me and him will figure out, we'll let it be a surprise what the next movie monday is going to be. Yeah, this is but from for for here on, probably for the next three or four months, we're probably going to be doing nothing but hercules stuff.

Speaker 1:

For way back wednesday way back wednesday just because we really enjoyed the show.

Speaker 2:

Kevin Sorbo.

Speaker 1:

Yep, it's good stuff, good man, so I'm going to sign us up.

Speaker 2:

Stay sexy.

Speaker 1:

Atlanta. Thanks for checking out the dumb, cool, weird podcast. This is way back Wednesdays, where we review different things from different periods of time that were really weird and out there commercials, toys, whatever it is. So here comes more. Check it out.

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