The Dumb Cool Weird Podcast
It is a podcast that covers old movies from the 20th century that are funny and ridiculous. We cover what is dumb, cool, and weird about each movie. We are raw and don't show mercy!!
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The Dumb Cool Weird Podcast
Jack Frost 2 (2000): Weird Baby Snowball Creatures and Tropical Nonsense - Episode 62
What if a microwaved cup of coffee could bring a killer snowman back to life? The Dumb Cool Weird Podcast kicks off the holiday season with an outrageous and hilarious review of the Jack Frost sequel that nobody asked for. This absurd flick has us in stitches as we explore its baffling choices, from its low-budget production quirks to bizarre plot twists involving cannibalistic snowball offspring and a snowman with a weakness for banana daiquiris. We chuckle our way through the absurdity of a movie that tries to combine horror with humor in the most bewildering ways, leaving us to ponder its existence alongside entertainingly bad classics like "Phantasm" and "King Kung Fu."
Join us for a fun-filled breakdown of a sequel that takes absurdity to a new level, complete with oddball characters and a narrative that defies logic at every turn. From a Snowminton International Airport that resembles a bus stop to the unexpected role of a Japanese beer company, this film’s bewildering elements offer plenty of fodder for laughs. We promise a better Christmas movie for next week, but for now, enjoy the madcap ride with us as we explore what’s dumb, cool, and weird in the world of cinema—all in just 20 minutes or less.
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Dumb Cool Weird Podcast. Welcome to the Dumb Cool Weird Podcast. It is the month of December, so you know what that means.
Speaker 2:We're watching our first set of Christmas movies already.
Speaker 1:Boy, do we have a special treat for you today?
Speaker 2:Special, like the Olympics.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so last year we watched a little movie called Jack Frost and we decided to watch the sequel this year and I'm going to tell you right now they should have just stopped Olympics.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we, you know, last year we watched a little movie called Jack Frost and we decided to watch the sequel this year and I'm going to tell you right now they should have just stopped.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they should have just not even bothered with this one. You know, all we can really figure is that this Japanese company that sells beer, what's the name of the beer company?
Speaker 2:It's Asahi Beer. So I'm pretty sure what happened was the Asahi Beer Company wanted to make a really elaborate Christmas-themed commercial and they were like, oh yes, we like Japanese movies to have a little bit of horror.
Speaker 1:This will be a grand, big, grand commercial and they really forced everybody in the American production to say they wanted all those people to come back and yeah, cause I pretty sure they just came across the movie and they were like, yeah, this is how we're going to make this a commercial work and we're going to use this intellectual property. But the reality is, is the director and all the actors are probably like, yeah, this doesn't need a sequel, and they were like, oh, we'll pay you money. And they're like, all right, we'll do it.
Speaker 2:Look, Jack O'Frost really liked the Asahi beer.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they actually had a scene in the movie where he was sitting there. He's like oh, I like what did he say? Something about the beer. I think I should have a cold one. Yep, yeah, they were really pushing the beer in this movie.
Speaker 2:And that's how you can tell this is obviously a product placement. Just one day, oh, and then we had that one. We had that one naked Japanese girl die in the swimming pool before she, just you know, he decided to have a beer?
Speaker 1:Yep. The only naked girl in the entire movie just happened to be a Japanese girl, so it can't be a coincidence.
Speaker 2:No, there's no such thing as coincidences, it's just a Japanese beer and shitty ice. Monster movie.
Speaker 1:And then at the end of the movie, the people who probably funded the movie had their cameo.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was really odd because they dubbed over them. They could have at least kept it Japanese and then put some subtitles under there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that would have been funny.
Speaker 2:They were killed by a giant carrot.
Speaker 1:Yep giant carrot, which made absolutely no sense. This whole movie is definitely self-aware. I will say that that was great.
Speaker 2:That was the great part about it. I mean, it's right in between Phantasm and what was that other shitty movie we had to watch that? I keep trying not to reference King Kung Fu.
Speaker 1:King, kung Fu, yeah King.
Speaker 2:Kung Fu is bad. King Kung Fu is bad, Like totally bad. This is the middle ground of bad movies.
Speaker 1:No, and.
Speaker 2:Phantasm is fun bad. Yeah, so basically the whole story is they're in the small town again, these guys who are we don't even know where they came from it looks like evil East German doctor and guy who plays Saddam Hussein for a Christmas special showed up.
Speaker 1:They basically dig up the antifreeze and for some fucking reason whatever reason they decided to try to resurrect Jack Frost. I think it's never really explained.
Speaker 2:I just want you to understand that microwaved coffee is actually what got Jack Frost to come back to life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm guessing it was because there was a little bit of water in it. That's the only explanation I got. And then he chopped the guy's fucking face off, like through his mouth.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he shot a giant piece of glass and cut him in half.
Speaker 1:Yep, and then you know, it turns out that the town is laughing at the sheriff, even though the sheriff saved the town.
Speaker 2:So him and his wife. It's only been a year.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's only been a year. So you know, they decide to go on a trip to you know, to the Hawaii.
Speaker 2:But let's go back to this. All right, he saved the town, which mostly gets murdered by this giant murder monster, snowman yep. They saw him kill this snowman. They helped him bury the snowman yep. And now they're making fun of him a year later because he has ptsd from killing said mutant snowman yep, pretty much, and it's.
Speaker 1:It's bad because even his wife and his two friends from the previous movie are literally gaslighting him.
Speaker 2:That's his brother and his brother's wife.
Speaker 1:Yeah, imagine that. I don't even know if they were in the previous movie. I'm just guessing.
Speaker 2:That could have been other actors.
Speaker 1:Yeah. But they're all gaslighting him Like, oh, he's not coming back the entire movie. This guy's like I can sense him. And then they're all like, oh no, you're hallucinating.
Speaker 2:This isn't happening at all.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and they're making fun of him the whole time. You could definitely tell the budget was really low, because in the beginning of the movie they're supposedly getting on a plane and going somewhere, and when they're doing that, they're at the Snowminton International Airport. Which you know, it's more like a bus stop, and I've never been to the Snowman International Airport, but I gotta tell you that didn't look like an airport at all.
Speaker 2:It was a bus stop. Yeah, A very good bus stop maybe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and let's talk about the fact that. Let's talk about the fact that, sorry, my cat's like being a bitch. Stop Percy. Yeah, there she goes.
Speaker 1:Aaron gets pets. Yeah, so I will Meow. My cat's trying to eat like stuff off my countertop and she knows she's not going to be up there. I'm going to give it to her when she gets. When we get off this fucking podcast, she's going to get the spray bottle, um, but basically what ends up happening is me and nick are trying to figure out how the fuck did he know how I mean, they even brought it up in the movie like it's 2300 miles away from where they were and how the fuck did he know how to get there? And supposedly he came in the water also he can't go anywhere.
Speaker 2:That's too warm. Yeah, he hates it because it's warm.
Speaker 1:So why is he in tropical water? That was established in the other movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he hates the heat he melts. Yeah, he gets affected by warmth. Still so now it's like why is he traveling through the ocean in tropical conditions?
Speaker 1:Not to mention he can automatically just make it snow. I didn't know he's like Storm from X-Men. I didn't know he's like Storm from X-Men. I didn't know he could control the weather.
Speaker 2:The only thing that I can think of is because the Pacific Ocean is cold and I'm now trying to use science and I'm realizing that's retarded. So don't use science. It doesn't make sense, because he could have just snowboarded his way right across and got there.
Speaker 1:And not to mention, in the beginning of the movie the stereotype fucking bus lands and all the stereotypes get off the fucking bus.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, Right out of the island.
Speaker 1:The three girls that die in every fucking movie. They get off first, so we know they're gonna die first the 50 year old porn star yep with the gay asian guy and the asian girl who died.
Speaker 2:Okay, so first off there was the blonde girl who was pretty much in every 90s low budget movie, and then there was the asian girl with the fake boobs in every low budget movie that dies pretty much.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was it, that was it Pretty much.
Speaker 2:yeah, that was it.
Speaker 1:I mean, that's literally it. Then you had the sheriff, his wife and his brother and his wife. Then we had a bunch of extras too. That's literally the entire cast. We also have the Jamaican guy who makes the drinks, the. British colonel, the British colonel that thinks it's Victorian England or something.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I couldn't honestly pick which war he was trying to talk about, because that was not matching up.
Speaker 1:Oh, and don't forget about Captain Fun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, captain, fun that kid was. We wanted him to die much earlier in the film.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's one of the last ones to die. That sucks. You know ones to die. That sucks. You know, I really kind of wanted the colonel and the jamaican kid to live yeah, it's kind of a, it's kind of sad that they didn't.
Speaker 2:Oh and uh, manners, agent manners came back, yeah had an eye patch.
Speaker 1:He was the security of the island somehow more handsome, this movie yeah, everybody's commenting on that.
Speaker 2:I guess he lost weight or something, I don't know he just, I guess his face, his facial reconstruction actually paid off. He didn't get a liposuction, though.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, it's a pretty simple plot. Once you get to the island, literally, Jack just starts picking people off one by one. He uses very elaborate things. It kind of starts off kind of like Looney Tunes. He turns into an anvil and falls on a girl, crushes her. Her little body parts are everywhere.
Speaker 2:And then when the other friend catches her, like, finds out where the body is, she steps on an icicle and then falls back into a bed of icicles. Yeah, it actually kind of hurt me just looking at it. And then the blonde girl who was in every 90s movie she gets stabbed in the face with some tongs and her eyes are ripped out.
Speaker 1:Well, pretty much, and that's basically what Jack does. He just goes on a killing spree little by little, and you know the Colonel keeps saying, oh sharks, coconut sharks did it. And he's trying to pass it off.
Speaker 2:He's really trying to Disney this Yep Like, because you know when you go to Disneyland and you die they just take you off of the park.
Speaker 1:Uh, disney, please don't kill me. Yeah, exactly. And so what ends up going on is uh, you know, jack frost goes around and starts killing people and then, finally, he's just like, after killing the asian girl, after cooling off the pool, he's like you know what, let's liven this place up. And he like starts making it snow. And that's when we realize that it's kind of weird that he's able to do storm. Yep, he also kills the 50-year-old porn star.
Speaker 2:She eats a piece of ice that he has turned into, and then he blows up her head.
Speaker 1:Blows up her head, and then he kills the other guy, the Asian guy, the.
Speaker 2:Asian guy gets a much slower death. Yep.
Speaker 1:And then, finally, we get to the point where they're still trying to gaslight the sheriff.
Speaker 2:After they see Jack Frost kill multiple people in a snowball fight.
Speaker 1:by the way, Yep, like he's knocking people's arms off. He's sending like ice spears through people's faces and then the other lady's like, oh you know, it can't be Jack Frost.
Speaker 2:You're just not fun anymore, sam, yeah Right. Fun anymore, sam, yeah right. I love, though, when they were playing, when he's like traveling with Antifreeze, kulk and all the other stuff that they beat him with in the first movie. He's like Joe, don't you think you're a little paranoid? And it's like, yeah, aren't you a little happy that he's paranoid at this moment?
Speaker 1:Yeah, because they do like, they take the extra precautions. They try to bury themselves in there. And then Jack and um the FBI agent ex FBI agent go out, try to get them. And then it turns out, um, jack like finds them, uh, and they. They get trapped inside the kitchen. But then they come up with the idea Ooh, let's turn this fountain into antifreeze. And so they set up a little trap, cool it.
Speaker 2:They gave him one of those old punji stick pits kind of ideas. They trapped him in there. He got in, he started to burn. They thought oh shit, we won. And then told Wes, please pause the movie right now. We just got to know how much more stupid shit we got to watch 30 minutes 30 more minutes after that and yeah, oh, he gives birth by vomiting out his children.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so he survives the antifreeze because apparently he's immune to it now and then he starts vomiting like snowballs that are his kids. And this is when the movie just goes I mean, batshit crazy. I mean, listen to what I'm saying, look at me. This is when the movie gets off the fucking rails and gets unhinged.
Speaker 2:Seriously, Sergeant Manners goes on a manhunt to find Jack Frost and, well you know, Captain Fun gets killed by one of the snowball children and they decide to warn him it's too late. It's too late, they eat him. Oh yeah, by the way, the snowballs are cannibals too.
Speaker 1:They eat people and they love beer.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, by the way, the snowballs are cannibals too. Yeah, they eat people, they eat human flesh and they love beer. Yeah, asahi beer, drink it.
Speaker 1:Snowballs do Asahi beer when you're having a bad day with cannibal snowballs? Just remember that a nice, refreshing Asahi beer will always keep you happy. Yeah, and so basically, the sheriff checks out. He just checks out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he kind of went all Looney Tunes in the head right there and then his wife takes over the reins and then you know they're going on their.
Speaker 1:they're basically trying to catch all these snowballs and they're not having luck. And then she fucking just randomly finds out that apparently they blow up when you hit them with some fucking banana daiquiri.
Speaker 2:Yeah, apparently Jack Frost in the first movie. His blood got like a sam sheriff. Sam's blood gets mixed inside of the antifreeze with him. So I'm apparently they're connected, they're blood bonded somehow yep and make sense of that now he's allergic to bananas. That's his weakness. It's bananas.
Speaker 1:It's bananas is his weakness. It's really bizarre. And so, basically, they go on a fucking killing spree, killing all the fucking, it's like a whole montage.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they go on a montage, just like pouring banana juice all over these poor little snowballs, these poor cannibal snowballs, and they just explode everywhere and Jack gets upset because he finds one of his half-dead snowball kids and my boy. You massacred my boy. Look at how they massacred my boy. But you know, what was funny, though, is when they didn't know what to do, when the colonel was in the woods alone and he played one of those. Oh clever, yeah, clever girl, clever girl.
Speaker 1:They really referenced Jurassic Park a little bit here in this movie after they massacre all these snowballs, Jack comes back and he just fucking fucks everybody up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he kills the Jamaican guy and the British guy, which was sad, Uh. He tries to kill Max, sorry, Sam's brother and his soon to be Karen, Uh, and then he tried.
Speaker 1:He creates a a wall of spikes and tries to crush her and try, yeah. Spikes and tries to crush her.
Speaker 2:Yeah, tries to crush his wife, which then he then morphs into the snowman.
Speaker 1:And he goes. You just get the. Now, you get the point.
Speaker 2:And then Sam.
Speaker 1:Or no, you don't get the point no, no.
Speaker 2:And then Sam shoots him with an arrow Banana.
Speaker 1:With a banana.
Speaker 2:And then he explodes.
Speaker 1:He explodes, and then he explodes.
Speaker 2:He explodes, and then he's gone, he's gone, he's dead, there's nothing else.
Speaker 1:And then she literally picks her up, goes outside and they walk off into the sunset of the beach. And that's when we get that stupid ending where the Japanese, the Japanese guys.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and they get hit by a giant fucking carrot. It's weird, and we never find out what happens to the other couple because they run into the fucking cooler. Everybody's pretty much dead at this point. Everybody on the island is dead and we don't get really a resolution like we did from the last one. So you know what this movie can do. This movie can go fuck itself.
Speaker 2:Yeah, if there's a direction it can do, it could fuck. It is off.
Speaker 1:So yeah, this was bad. So the dumb, cool, weird.
Speaker 2:Let's start with the dumb, because I know there's going to be a lot, oh yeah, well, I don't know where to start. The fact that he becomes water and he doesn't think. You know, I could literally just suck the island. You know I am water. I could suck the island and submerge the island.
Speaker 1:I could cause a hurricane.
Speaker 2:Kill everybody. No, I'm just going to go on there and stab everybody and whatnot? Kill everybody no, I'm just going to go on there and stab everybody and whatnot. It was a dumb movie. It's like King Kung Fu. I just think that certain people shouldn't be making movies.
Speaker 1:Well, you know, I know they were trying to be self-aware and stuff but I think the dumbest thing about this movie is it's so obvious it's just paid for by that beer company.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like I said, it's just a big beer commercial. It's really all it is and that's so dumb. Like you had so many like you, you had an opportunity to actually make a really good movie. But you know I know that, like these people who funded it like probably wanted you to do certain things, but you should have actually made it like fun, interesting something.
Speaker 2:You know this would be like in the 90s if Coca-Cola made a polar bear movie. Yeah, Just to showcase how actual polar bears love Coca-Cola.
Speaker 1:Well, it's also funny, because that beer is not a beer that you would actually drink either in the Caribbean orbean or around the holidays. That's so fucking stupid, because obviously it's a sushi beer.
Speaker 2:It's a good sushi beer it's a good get it's a good. I'm going to get fucked up on the town.
Speaker 1:Kind of beer yeah, but it's not a beer that you drink on the beach. On the beach, you drink corona with lime, or if it's the holidays, you usually drink like a, like a stout or something yeah, so what?
Speaker 2:I? What I consider an Asahi, asahi's, like one of those. Like I'm getting either the Asahi's or I'm getting the bush lattes. I'm going to go with the Asahi. It's a little heavier, I'm talking about the alcohol and you're going to get fucked up. It's going to be great and it's refreshing.
Speaker 1:What was cool about this movie besides the fact that it's about a killer snowman, get it cool, uh yeah uh cool, wow, that's a, that's a tall request I think some of the visual effects were kind of cool. Not the, not not the, not the that. Let me add to the dumb real quick, those fucking shitty ass cgi effects. I did with the little that was bad dude.
Speaker 2:so cool, I would honestly cool, though I would say that the fact that it was a beer commercial essentially did kind of make it cool. Yeah, because Asahi's just not the beer. You would see. It's like Heineken from King Kung Fu and Pizza Hut, right, that's just so random. But you get Asahi beer. It's a Japanese beer company sponsoring this movie, so off the wall.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I also thought it was pretty cool how they killed the Asian girl, because I thought the ice effect was pretty cool. That looked pretty realistic actually.
Speaker 2:Honestly, that was a pretty creative way to kill her, because you know he just drowned her.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I thought the snowman costume is pretty cool.
Speaker 2:The snowman costume was a lot better from the first movie. The first movie was just mostly practical effects and that was all they could pull then.
Speaker 1:Yeah, pretty much. So let's talk about the weird.
Speaker 2:Oh okay, he gives birth to snowballs by vomiting them out.
Speaker 1:That is very weird. Those little snow creatures were fucking weird too.
Speaker 2:You know what? It's weird that the resort is pretty much run by a Jamaican guy at the front desk and an old British colonel and a former FBI agent who got fired for being bitten on the face by a mutant snowman in the first movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we thought he was dead too. That's crazy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean because he went into Jack Frost's mouth.
Speaker 1:Yep, it was weird. I think the whole concept of the movie is weird. It's just a weird fucking movie. But you know, the thing is like movies like this can be pretty fun, you know. I mean the first one was really fun. Me and Nick actually really enjoyed it. The first one was fun. This one was just too much. It's too much because it was obvious they didn't put worth a shit of a budget in there, and I think I'm done talking about it, dude.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're gone.
Speaker 1:So just sign us off, Nick.
Speaker 2:Stay sexy Atlanta.
Speaker 1:And don't watch this one, so we're going to have a better Christmas movie next week. Yeah, thanks for watching the Dumb, cool, weird Podcast, where we cover some of your favorite movies in 20 minutes or less for your convenience. We go over what is dumb, cool and weird about movies and check out our Wayback Wednesdays. We do sometimes for other stuff, and please share us with your friends.